
Dean Secretary 
Chief Secretary 
Eng. Luciana Marinela Abrudanu
48 Room, Baritiu str, 26-28 No
Students Secretary( Bellow more info
45 Room,  Barițiu str,  26-28 No
Opening hours:
 Monday-Friday  9 a.m.- 1 p.m.

Secretary name

Student distribution

Contact details

Petrică-Druhora Eugenia

AAI Bachelor (in english): I-IV Years

AAI Master -  Ist year, IInd Year:  CPS


Mitrofan Laura Ramona

CS Bachelor (in english): I-IV Years

CS Master  I-II Years:  AIV, CE,DS

ERASMUS students

Foreign students (bachelor and master)




  • Computer Science (CS) (in english)
  • Automations and Applied Informatics ( AAI ) (in english )
  • Artificial Intelligence and Vision (AIV) (in English)
  • Cybersecurity Engineering (CE) (in English)
  • Data Science (DS) (in English)
  • Cyber-Physical Systems (în english) (CPS)