Curriculum 2024-2025

2024-2025 Curriculum




Year of study

Computer Science and Information Technology

Computer Science  (in english)

Ist Year

IInd Year

IIIrd Year

IVth Year

System Engineering

Automation and Applied Informatics (in english)

Ist Year

IInd Year

IIIrd Year

IVth Year





Year of study

Computer Science and Information Technology

Artificial Intelligence and Vision (AIV) (EN)

Ist Year

IInd Year

Cybersecurity Engineering (CE) (EN)

Ist Year

IInd Year

Data Science (DS) (EN)

Ist Year

IInd Year

System Engineering

Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS)


Ist Year

IInd Year


Syllabus 2024 2025 - Bachelor of Science


Computer Science  (in english)



1.Mathematical Analysis_I (Differential calculus)

15.Electronic measurements and sensors

2.Linear algebra and analytical geometry

16.Fundamental algorithms

3.Special mathematics

17.Analog and digital circuits

4.Logic design

18.Object oriented programming

5.Computer programming



20.Special mathematics in engineering

7.10.English Language I

21.10.English Language I - Technical documents elaboration

7.20.French Language I

21.20.French Language I - Technical documents elaboration

7.30.German Language I

21.30.German Language I - Technical documents elaboration

8.Mathematical Analysis_II (Integral calculus and differential equations)

22.Systems theory

9.Assembly Language Programming

23.Computer architecture


24.Numerical methods

11.Digital system design

25.Fundamental programming techniques

12.Data structures and algorithms

26.Operating systems

13.10.English Language II

27.Computer-aided graphics

13.20.French Language II

28.10.English Language II - Technical documents elaboration

13.30.German Language II

28.20.French Language II - Technical documents elaboration

14.Sport I

28.30.German Language II - Technical documents elaboration

101.Fundamentals of electronic circuits (fac.)

29.Sport II

200.Educational psychology

103.Basics of quatum information

301.Volunteering 1

202.Pedagogy II


303.Volunteering 3

201.Pedagogy I


302.Volunteering 2

203.Didactics of the specialization


304.Volunteering 4



30.Design with microprocessors

45.Distributed systems

31.Structure of computer systems

46.10.Database design

32.Functional programming

46.20.Computer networks design

33.Software engineering

47.10.Operating systems design

34.Artificial intelligence

47.20.User interface design

35.Economic law

48.10.Pattern recognition systems

36.Graphic processing

48.20.Translators design

37.Logic programming


38.Formal languages and translators

49.20.Personal and professional development, ethics and academic integrity

39.Computer networks

50.Project management

40.Image processing

51.Management and communication

41.Software design

52.Project elaboration methodology

42.Intelligent systems

53.Information systems

43.Practical work in the domain of study (6 weeks)

54.10.Knowledge based systems

44.Practical work in the specialization (6 weeks)


105. Robot control systems

55.10.Input-output systems and peripheral devices

204.Computer assisted training

55.20.Parallel and distributed Computing

205.Teaching practice in compulsory pre-university education (1)

56.Communication protocols and networks project

305.Volunteering 5

57.Graduation project

106.Signals and systems

58.Practical work for the graduation project

107.Real-time systems

59.Graduation project defense

206.Classroom management


207.Teaching [ractice in compulsory pre-university education (2)(12 week)

117.Autonomous driving: technology, dynamics and control

208.Graduation examn level I

307.Volunteering 7

306.Volunteering 6

308.Volunteering 8



Automation and Applied Informatics (in english)



1.Mathematical Analysis I

16.Numeric Calculus

2.Linear Algebra,Analytical and Differential Geometry

17.Measurements and Traducers

3.Computer Architecture

18.Digital Electronics

4.Linear electronic circuits

19.Algorithms Design

5.Computer Programming and Programming Languages

20.Logic Design


21.Process modelling

7.1.English Language I

22.10. English Language I-Technical documents elaboration

7.2.French Language I

22.20. French Language I-Technical documents elaboration

7.3.German Language I

22.30. German Language I-Technical documents elaboration

8.Mathematical Analysis II

23.Physical education and sport II

9.Special mathematics

24.System Theory I


25.Signals And Systems

11.Computer-Aided Graphics

26.Software Engineering

12.Applied Informatics



28.Mechanical Engineering

14.1.English Language II

29.Microprocessor-bases Systems

14.2.French Language II

30.10. English Language II-Technical documents elaboration

14.3.German Language II

30.20. French Language II-Technical documents elaboration

15.Physical education and sport I

30.30. German Language II-Technical documents elaboration

200.Educational psychology

103.Basics of Quantum Information

301.Volunteering 1

104.Pedagogy II

201.Pedaagogy I

303.Volunteering 3

302.Volunteering 2

203.Didactics of the specialization


304.Volunteering 4





31.System Theory II

46.Distributed Control Systems

32.Control Engineering I

47.Robot Control Systems

33.Discrete-event Systems

48.Continuos Plant Control

34.System Identification

49.Reliability and Diagnosis

35. Power Electronics

50.1.Electrical machines and Drives

36.Economic Law

50.2.Computer Networks

37.Management and Communication

51.1.Mycrosystems and Data Aquisition

38.Control Engineering II

51.2.Project Management

39.Real-time Systems


40.Industrial Informatics

52.2.Personal and Professional Development

41.Electric and Electronics Control Equipment

52.3.Academic Ethics and Integrity

42.Hydro-pneumatic Control Equipment

53.Industrial Plant Control

43.Data Transmission

54.1.Digital Control of Machine - Tools

44.Practical Work in the Domain of Study

54.2.Computer - Integrated Manufacturing

45.Practical Work in the Specialization


106.Automation in Industrial aplications I

55.2.Web Technologies

107.Computer Assisted Training

56.1.Estimatos in Dynamic System Control

108.Teaching Practice in compulsory pre-university education (1)

56.2.Building Automation

305.Volunteering 5

56.3.Digital Security

109.Automation in industrial application II

56.4.Digital Graphics

110.Classroom management

57.Project Preparing Methodology

111.Teaching prcatice in compulsory pre-university education (2)(12 weeks)

58.Graduation Project

112.Graduation Exam Level I.

59.Field-Specific Research for the Graduation Project

306.Volunteering 6

60.Graduation Project Defense




114.Autonomous driving: Technology, Dynamics and Control


307.Volunteering 7


308.Volunteering 8

Syllabus 2024 2025- Master of Science

Artificial Intelligence and Vision (AIV)
Ist Year IInd Year
1. Intelligent Agent Systems 13. Human-Computer Interface
2. Computer Networks 14. Programming Engineering
3. Distributed Systems 15. Natural Language Processing
4. Deep Learning Based Computer Vision 16. Virtual Reality
5. Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision Project 1 17. Ethics and Academic Integrity
6. Research Activity 1 18. Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision Project 3
7.10. Statistics and Probabilities 19. Research Activity 3
7.20. Languages and Type Systems 20. Research Practice
7.30. Algorithms and Computability 21. Field Specific Research for the Master Thesis
8.10. Interactive Systems 22. Dissertation Project Work
8.20. Industrial Informatics 23. Dissertation Defence
9. Semantic Web and Agents 204.Didactics of the Field and Development in Didactics Specialities
10. Computer Vision for Mobile Systems 205.10. School Organization Management
11. Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision Project 2 205.20. Metacognitive Education
12. Research Activity 2 205.30. Intercultural Education
100. Mathematical models for machine learning 303. Voluteering 3
201. Psychopedagogy of Adolescents,Youngs  and Adults 206. Teaching Practice (in Secondary School and Tertiary Education)
301. Volunteering 1 207. Graduation Exam - Level II
202. Design and Management of Educational Programs 304. Voluteering 4
203.10. Educational Communication  
203.20. Educational Research Methodology  
203.30. Modern Orientations in Evaluation Theory and Practice  
302. Volunteering 2  
Cybersecurity Engineering (CS)
Ist Year IInd Year
1. Software Security 11. Digital Forensics and Incident Response
2. Information Security 12. Security Configuration of Computing Systems and Networks
3. Reverse engineering and Malware analysis 13. Penetration Testing
4.10. Mobile Security 14.Applied cryptography
4.20. Programming Security Mechanisms of x86-64 Architecture 15. Ethics and Academic Integrity
5. Research Activity 1 16. Research Activity 3
6. Windows Internals and Kernel Driver Development 17. Professional internship/ Designing practice
7. Information Systems Audit and Risk Management 18. Practice for the Elaboraton of the Dissertation
8. Web Security 19. Dissertation Project Work
9.10. Big Data and Machine Learning for Cybersecurity 20. Dissertation Defence
9.20. Virtualization and Hardware-based security 204.Didactics of the Field and Development in Didactics Specialities
10.  Research Activity 2 205.10. School Organization Management
201. Psychopedagogy of Adolescents,Youngs  and Adults 205.20. Metacognitive Education
301. Volunteering 1 205.30. Intercultural Education
202. Design and Management of Educational Programs 303. Voluteering 3
203.10. Educational Communication 206. Teaching Practice (in Secondary School and Tertiary Education)
203.20. Educational Research Methodology 207. Graduation Exam - Level II
203.30. Modern Orientations in Evaluation Theory and Practice 304. Voluteering 4
302. Volunteering 2  
Data Science (DS)
Isr Year IInd Year
1. Big Data 13. Blockchain
2. Algorithms 14.10. Data-Driven Business and Behaviour Analytics
3. Database Systems 14.20. NeuroScience
4. Machine Learning 1 15.10. Internet of Things and Industry 4.0
5. Mathematical Models for ML 15.20. Complex Networks
6. Research Activity 1 16.10. Natural Language Processing
7.10. Machine Learning 2 16.20. Advanced in Computer Vision
7.20. Architecture of Informations Systems 17.10. Cloud Computing
7.30 Advanced Topics of Functional Programming 17.20. Information Security
8.10. Data Analytics Pipeline 18. Ethics and Academic Integrity
8.20. Time Series Analysis 19. Research Activity 3
9. Information Theory ans Statistics 20. Research Practice
10. data warehouse and Business Intelligence 21. Field Specific Research for the Master Thesis
11. Image Processing and Computer Vision 22. Dissertation Project Work
12. Research Activity 2 23. Presentation of Dissertation
201. Psychopedagogy of Adolescents,Youngs  and Adults 204.Didactics of the Field and Development in Didactics Specialities
301. Volunteering 1 205.10. School Organization Management
202. Design and Management of Educational Programs 205.20. Metacognitive Education
203.10. Educational Communication 205.30. Intercultural Education
203.20. Educational Research Methodology 303. Voluteering 3
203.30. Modern Orientations in Evaluation Theory and Practice 206. Teaching Practice (in Secondary School and Tertiary Education)
302. Volunteering 2 207. Graduation Exam - Level II
  304. Voluteering 4
Cyber physical systems (CPS)
Ist Year IInd Year
1.00. Mathematical Foundation of Data Science 13.00 Dependability of Cyber-Physical Systems
2.00 Evolutive systems 14.00 Reinforcement Learning
3.00 Machine learning 15.00 Human-Robot Interaction
4.00 Research methods 16.10. Emerging Control Systems for Industry 5.0
5.00 Project Cyber-Physical Systems 1 16.20. IoT for Home Automations
6.00 Research Cyber-Physical Systems 1 17.00 Ethics and Academic Integrity
7.00 Big Data for Cyber-Physical Systems 18.00 Project Cyber-Physical Systems 3
8.00 Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality 19.00 Research Cyber-Physical Systems 3
9.00 Operating systems and networks in Cyber-Physical Systems 20.00 Research practice
10.00 Cyber-Physical Systems'Security 21.00 Field specific research for the Master Thesis
11.00 Project Cyber-Physical Systems 2 22.00 Master Thesis Elaboration
12.00 Research Cyber-Physical Systems 2 23.00 Master Thesis Defence
201.psychopedagogy of Adolescents,Youngs and Adults 100.00 Technology Tranfer and Innovation
301. Volunteering 1 204. Didactics of Field and Development in Didactics Specialities
202.Design and Management of Educational Programs 205.10. School Organization Management
203.10. Educational Communication 205.20. Metacognitive Education
203.20. Educational Research Methodology 205.30. Intercultural Education
203.30. Modern Orientations in Evaluation Theory and Practice 303. Volunteering 3
302. Volunteering 2 206. Teaching Practice (in Secondary School and Tertiary Education)
  207. Graduation Exam - Level II
  304. Volunteering 4