Hacker Jam- Eveniment gazduit la sediul Riverbed Technology 30 iunie 2022



Hacker Jam Cluj is a community event based on the Raspberry Jam events organized all over the world. People come together to learn about digital making with Raspberry Pi, Arduino, and other similar tech and share their geeky experiences. This year we're putting together a workshop at Riverbed's office for beginners who want to learn about Raspberry Pi and how to do simple things like wiring LEDs and buttons.

More info to follow on this link: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.facebook.com/hackerjam.cluj/events/?ref=page_internal__;!!LmzIUXm5cg!ViaY7zUqqfaMfNDV1lNXkiQAJ6zmw8hBeHUALNUVh29ijeguAugmr49Hw74yfk7XD-948rJIuGSZjXK-RDM1W-SqnZ3faq3YYxjjc5bm9Q$



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